Frequently Asked Questions


Can I invest into or with Sustany Capital?

Sustany Capital's Protocol Fund is open to accredited investors starting Febuary 15th, 2019. Read more here.

What does Sustany Capital invest in?

Sustany Capital invests in ventures and projects in the blockchain, Money-over-IP and RegTech space.

What should projects seeking funding include in their initial email?

Like all venture funds, Sustany receives an ever-increasing number of emails with meeting and funding requests. To help speed things up please address the following five topics in your initial inquiry:

  • What problem are you solving?
  • What is the status of your technology (product stage; MVP; pre-product)?
  • Have you raised any money so far and if so: how much?
  • Are you planning for an "initial coin offering"?

What if my project does not meet Sustany Capital's requirements?

Sustany Capital is an active participant in the blockchain ecosystem and has consistently supported the developer community since April 2015 (join our local network of 1,800 members here). Out of this community Sustany Services developed, which helps promising blockchain projects to get ready for venture investment and/or security token offerings. You can submit your project to Sustany Services here.

What is a blockchain?

Blockchain is part of the technology stack of Bitcoin. At its core it is a distributed data storage system. Anyone who participates in this network keeps their own data store and stores all of the transactions that ever happened on the network - (also known as 'distributed ledger'). Entries are stored within a cryptographically secured chain of blocks. At every stage, the network of participants must agree about the latest block of transactions. Agreement is reached through a process of majority consensus, eliminating duplicate entries, double spending etc. This process and the cryptographic layering of the blocks makes the agreed blockchain irreversible and immutable. The ‘history’ of events within this technology cannot be modified by any one of the participants without majority consensus from the group.